November 14, 2005

Was Karl Rove Involved With This?


NEW YORK (AP) -- Alex Rodriguez won the American League Most Valuable Player award for the second time in three seasons, beating David Ortiz on Monday in a vote that rewarded a position player over a designated hitter.

Rodriguez, in his second season as the New York Yankees' third baseman, received 16 first-place votes, 11 seconds and one third for 331 points from the Baseball Writers' Association of America.

Ortiz, the DH for the Boston Red Sox, got 11 firsts and 17 seconds for 307 points. Los Angeles Angels outfielder Vladimir Guerrero received the other first-place vote and was third with 196 points.

But what about the people? Did any of the "experts" bother to ask the people? Of course not. And if the past two presidential elections are any indication, the will of the people is either suspect or usurped. But that's a conspiracy theory best left for other bloggers.

And what of Harper, our .4 readers must be thinking? Harper is taking an extended leave of abscence from the blog for now. But as a militant Red Sox homer, Harper had left implicit instructions with me should the evil A-Rod win the MVP.

And so, for Harper, I give you this:

RRRRassin frassin...son of a sassin frassin meat pie mother @#!%$#.... #@!$&*@, it's about most valuable....defense is overrated @#!!$%&^*$#@....son of satan...@#!$%&@!#$...mama's boys don't deserve manly awards...A-Rod is Big Papi's little B!t@h...con sarnit all to mule's buttocks in a handbag to hades...&%$#!@$!&.

I hope that covers it. Come back soon, Harper.


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