Thanks, Reggie
I tried to write something last night after Reggie Miller played his final game for the one team he's ever played for in the NBA. But I couldn't do it. Allergy season must be at its peak right now because my eyes sure were watering. And even this morning, the dust has followed me to work.
I've been struggling for words to pay the smallest of tributes to one of my favorite ballers of all time. The column by Bob Kravitz of the Indianapolis Star has a paragraph that truly sums it up the best:
It was a sad night, and at the same time, it was an absolutely unforgettable night. There aren't many lump-in-your-throat moments in sports anymore, not with the growing disconnect between the fans and athletes. With Reggie, though, it was like saying goodbye to a cherished member of the family.
Uncle Reggie was indeed a member of the Hoosier family. He may not be have been born a Hoosier. But he is and will always remain our adopted son.
Reggie was a class act. Always was. And last night's fitting end to his career was classy as well. Even the dreaded Detroit Pistons paid tribute to Reggie by calling a timeout with 16 seconds remaining so the crowd could pay tribute to its adopted Hoosier son.
Larry Brown, thanks for that classy gesture. I will no longer be rooting for a sweep by the Heat. You may win a game or two.

How fitting. Reggie's last shot is a three.
Thanks for everything Reggie. We're all going to miss you.
Now excuse me. I need to take an antihistamine. This damn dust is killing my eyes.